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Styx Solutions

Executive Protection

Executives are often high-value targets for social engineering and other types of attacks. Prevent exploitation by bad actors by monitoring online presence against impersonation, exposed information, and social media exposure.

Executive Protection Solution by Styx

Leverage Monitoring and Protection at the Individual Level

Protect high-level individuals from cybercrimes like compromised accounts, account takeovers, and personal information leaks that can escalate to physical threats. Follow how your executives are viewed in the public eye with sentiment analysis of relevant online media mentions.

StyxView monitors your executive’s digital footprint for account takeovers, impersonators, and leaked personal data. You can also ensure that their social media posts align with your company’s values with visibility into their profile activity.

Importance of Styx Executive Protection solution

How Monitoring Executives Can Protect Your Business

*of companies cite C-suite as their highest cyber security risk
0 %
*of IT leaders claim C-suite is most likely to be targeted by a cyber attack
0 %
*of IT leaders have been breached in 2021 due to human error
0 %
*Source- Information Age | *Source- Vanson Bourne | *Source- Egress

Impersonation Detection

Protect against impersonators committing phishing schemes. Get real-time alerts about fake social media accounts and profiles and take proactive measures to mitigate damage. People with similar names can add noise to data generation, but StyxView will direct you to more likely impersonators. Our platform allows you to initiate takedowns and halt profile activity in case of account takeovers, ensuring your customers that they’re communicating with the right person online.

Personal Info Exposure

Safeguard personal information with StyxView’s data leak detection. We monitor the surface, deep, and dark web for leaked information such as credit card numbers, SIN, and credentials. Get real-time alerts to quickly remediate breaches and understand their severity, what’s been exposed, and source. We cut through the noise by giving you only the essential information needed.

Online Presence Monitoring

StyxView provides comprehensive monitoring of your executives’ online activity to ensure their public perception and personal information are secure. Our platform searches the surface, deep, and dark web for mentions of their name, accounts, and posts to allow you to stay informed of their public image. Real-time alerts notify you of any conflicts that may be affecting your executives, allowing you to respond quickly.

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Other Solutions

Third Party Risk

Third Parties can introduce cyber and brand risk into your environment. Use our solution to provide continuous monitoring on your vendors and partners.

Brand Monitoring

Your brand may be under fire without you knowing. Stay informed of online activity with ease and avoid potential damage to your reputation.

External Attack Surface Management

Digital connectedness increases your digital exposure. Stay ahead of cyberthreats by monitoring your public-facing assets with StyxView.


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