Styx Solutions

External Data Leakage Detection

Protect confidential data with monitoring of the surface, deep, and dark web for leaked credentials, documents, code repositories, and more.

Data Leakage Detection Solution by Styx

Keep Track of Your Confidential Data

As an enterprise, you hold valuable information such as source code, credentials, and personal data. With data breaches happening at an alarming rate, it’s crucial to have a solution that can keep track of these instances effectively. The problem of widespread distribution across the web makes it hard to detect and prevent such breaches.

Minimize the fallout of data leakage with StyxView’s detection solution. Empower security teams to monitor code repositories, forums, and paste sites across the surface, deep, and dark web. With comprehensive evaluation and context analysis, prevent future data breaches and keep confidential information protected.

Importance of Styx Data Leakage Detection solution

Consequences of Data Leakage

*was the global average cost (USD) of data breach from March 2021 - March 2022
$ 0 M
*of companies in the Americas experienced a data leakage incident in 2021
0 %
*of IT leaders have been breached in 2021 due to human error
0 %

*Source – IBM | *Source – KPMG | *Source – Egress

Stay Ahead of Data Leaks with Wide-Scope Monitoring

Maintaining full visibility of data leakage incidents is a persistent challenge for many security teams. StyxView offers a comprehensive monitoring solution that covers the surface, deep, and dark web to counteract the issue of widespread data distribution. By monitoring paste bins, code repositories, and forums, StyxView provides the necessary visibility to detect any potential exploitation of confidential information. Stay informed of relevant cases and arm your security team with the resources to prevent future data breaches.

Streamline Your Incident Response with Guided Remediation

In the event of leaked credentials or personal identifiable information (PII), StyxView provides immediate notification and support. Our solution alerts you to affected accounts and platforms, allowing you to promptly notify individuals and change compromised credentials. We also guide you through the discovery and removal of confidential documents from unauthorized sites, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected. With StyxView’s comprehensive support, mitigate the damage of data breaches and safeguard against future cyber attacks.

Improve Your Security Evaluation

Identifying weaknesses in your security infrastructure can be a challenge without proper information. StyxView provides comprehensive data leakage information, including specific details on what was exposed, its location, and origin within your system. This allows your security team to understand past incidents and improve upon current protocols and policies to prevent future breaches. Stay ahead of potential threats and enhance your security measures with StyxView’s data leakage solution.

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