🚀 Big news! Styx raises $2.7M to scale up Digital Risk Protection — get the details here
Styx Services

StyxGuard Managed Service

Security incidents are costly, growing in complexity, and have dire consequences. Let Styx’s team guide the response with ongoing updates and high-quality research.

Managed Security Service by Styx

Take Control of Threats Before They Thwart Your Business

Many organizations struggle with responding to cyber incidents and data breaches due to lack of insight about the source of attacks and unoptimized response plans. You need a dedicated team that can support investigation and continuously monitor information across a multitude of sources. 

Augment your security team with support from StyxView’s incident response services. Our experienced team of experts will respond to your enterprise-level cyber threats to give you peace of mind. Stay informed and exercise proactivity with real-time updates on the threats progress and information you need to resolve the situation quickly.

Incident Response process

Process We Follow during Incident Responce Service

Identify Risk
Develop Assessment Criteria
Assess Risk
Assess Risk Interactions
Prioritize Risk
Respond to Risk

Maintain Wide Visibility to Get the Context You Need

Protect against cyber threats by staying informed with StyxView’s wide visibility. Our platform continuously monitors multiple sources across the web to update you on current incidents related to your organization. By having access to reference data, you will understand the threat actor’s kill chain and prepare for an effective counterattack. We keep an eye on paste bins, code repositories, and forums to detect any potential exposure of confidential information and keep your business secure.

Practices for Remediation

Navigate incident response effectively with StyxView’s digital risk score. Our solution streamlines the process of identifying the most critical cyber threats and prioritizes remediation efforts. Our team provides practical guidance on how to respond to incidents, equipping you with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively defend against malicious activity and tighten up your security for the future.

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STYX Services

Other Services

Takedown Service

Remove fake accounts, domains, and content to prevent brand abuse and potential cyber attacks.

M&A Risk Assessment Service

Remove fake accounts, domains, and content to prevent brand abuse and potential cyber attacks.


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